July 22, 2020

I am fascinated with writers abilities to create images in our heads. I’m often tongue tied when put on the spot to say something funny or witty. Maybe that’s why I narrate. I get to read other peoples’ words! When hired to narrate a book, I read the book start to finish. If it’s a […]
February 5, 2020

I’ve shared how important leaving reviews for books and audiobooks are beginning here. Recently after offering free audiobook codes to new listeners I was impressed and blown away by one listener’s message: Thank you so much for the code! I have listened and reviewed on Audible, Goodreads, Bookbub, fb pages, Essential Romance Book Club, Audiobook Fascination and […]
January 7, 2020

Having goals is a part of being human. It helps us feel like we have a purpose and creates structure in our lives. The year’s end is a popular time to consider what we want to accomplish in the following year. The good news is that if they didn’t get set at year’s end, they […]
November 13, 2019

My previous blog answered questions authors may have about working with Findaway Voices. See it here: Today my focus is on the value of the platform to narrators. With their broad reach, the growth of Findaway Voices (Findaway) has exploded. Recently added to their narrator payment options of Per Finished Hour (PFH) is Voices Share […]
October 30, 2019

Findaway Voices is where many Indie authors are finding the broadest reach for audio book sales. As an approved narrator in their roster I’ve been watching closely as they’ve enhanced and expanded the ways they support both authors and narrators. While they are newer than Audible’s ACX platform, the ability to sell books in 40+ […]
October 15, 2019

Listening to a audio book is an easy way to take the drudgery away from a commute to work, performing household chores and exercise. So, it’s no surprise the audio book market is on a steady rise. In an April 2019 report the Audio Publishers Association found that 50% of Americans over the age of […]
October 1, 2019

Karen Commins has been a generous voice over professional for decades to both authors and narrators. As an accomplished narrator and rights holder herself she knows what the profession needs and values. Lucky for me I won a three-month subscription to her recently launched Narrator’s Roadmap online platform. I’m delighted to share my experience thus […]
September 21, 2019

Today is the final installment of the reasons I think you should take the time to write a book review. One reader of my Reason #1 said she writes one review and copy and pastes it into Amazon, Audible, GoodReads and BookBub regularly. Super simple. No doubt she’s getting offers for lot of free books! […]
September 20, 2019

My previous blogs listed the positive impacts and benefits to the reader and authors when a reader/listener provides a written book review. Go here for reader benefits and here for author benefits if you haven’t yet read those. Number three on my list of the people who benefit is people like me, audio book narrators! […]
September 19, 2019

Yesterday I listed the benefits to the reader/listener when they take the time to provide a written review on Amazon, Audible, Goodreads, Bookbub and elsewhere. The benefits include getting free books and showing off your writing skills. Check out this link if you haven’t read it. Today we’ll discuss ways reviews help authors; the one […]
September 17, 2019

One of my strongest skills is the ability to analyze alternatives and make recommendations based on that analysis. As a former architect, this characteristic provided great comfort to my clients as they knew I had considered all the options for meeting their needs. As an audio book narrator, I use the skills in two ways: […]
September 3, 2019

This picture is of author Kennedy Ryan and me. The picture in the middle of the blog is author Kandi Steiner and me. This week’s blog is about success. Success is defined in many ways. As an audio book narrator, I feel successful when listeners leave four or five-star reviews for the books I work […]
August 27, 2019

Thank goodness my voice over skills are better than my photography skills or I’d be needing to find a new career. I’ve included a photo here of the Angst Nation panel and let me apologize in advance to the panelists who all looked far better than my pixelated long-distance shot from the back of the […]
August 20, 2019
Narrating eLearning or non-fiction audio books was my initial goal when I began my voice over career. It turns out, though, that choosing a genre to focus on is a bit like choosing a cat. As the saying goes, YOU don’t choose a cat. The CAT chooses you! Having heard more than once that my […]
July 5, 2019
When authors on ACX are presented with the options of paying by royalty share (RS), royalty share plus (RS+) or per finished hour (PFH) for their book’s narration, the royalty share options seem pretty attractive. While these choices appear to be of great financial benefit to the author because there’s no outlay of money, there […]